I really don't know where to start!! After being unemployed for 14 months,Mel was offered a job at Hadlock Plastics here in Geneva doing the similar CNC job he had prior. Now he only has to drive a few miles,and is back on 2nd shift which works out well since he still has his newspaper route.
Best news is we have added a new granddaughter-Callie Barbara Ann Smith born July 3rd at 10:40 p.m. She was born C-section and thankfully no trip to Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital for new baby.
Hard to believe Allie Mae turned 1 year on August 6th,and Callie was 1 month Aug. 3rd ! Need I say Mom is extra extra busy???!!!! I don't know how she does it,and I try to help when I can-I LOVE Grandma time with my 2 sweeties!!!!
Depression has played havoc with me especially since I was off all my meds,but I now have a great doctor who put me on insulin so we are working to get my diabetes under control-am seeing progress which is good!! Trying to make other changes in my life also but have to realize I can't do it all at once or try to make up for all the setbacks from the very trying 14 months Mel & I went through.
Think this will do for now-hopefully it won't be such a time lapse!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Babies have arrived and Labor Day is gone

Here are my precious 2 new granddaughters-top row is Allie Mae Smith born Aug.6th at ACMC in Ashtabula,Ohio after Mom Steffany had many bad times. Then Allie was transferred to Rainbow Babies and Childrens' Hospital in Cleveland,Ohio because of fluid in her lungs but was able to come home that Sat. She is doing very well now and is our very precious "Sweet Pea".
On 2nd row is Angelina Marie Shaffer born Aug 5th at Geauga Hospital in Chardon,Ohio. She joins her older sister Jessica who I got to stay with when Mommy Lisa went into labor at midnite!
Still hard to believe they are here and healthy and bringing alot of joy to all of us. In fact today Gramma got to babysit Allie Mae then go grocery shopping with her and Mommy where Allie was the center of attention.
Now I am trying to get ready for next weekend which is the annual Geneva Grape Jamboree and our Class of 1967 will be walking or riding in the Saturday parade . This will be after having a 60th birthday party for all of us at our old high school gymnasium and school which is set to be demolished soon(seems to be the way things are done anymore,sadly)
Has been sadness lately with the passing of Farrah Fawcett,and Patrick Swazey plus our one classmate lost his battle to cancer also. Then my Great Aunt Marian Woodworth passed on to her reward Tuesday at the age of 101!!! Also we found our very special neighbors and friends are putting their home for sale and moving to a manufactured home-will definitely miss them alot!!!! So I am glad I can see Allie Mae often to make things fall into proper perspective. Then too my favorite thought comes to mind"To everything there is a season...." from Ecclessiastes 3 and I know things are as God plans and times.
It is now cooler at nite and there is definitely a touch of Autumn in the air which is my favorite time of year-now I need to get bulbs planted,some seeds in,prepare my outside areas for their Winter rest. Also am trying to do Fall cleaning(never seem to get it done in Spring) and hoping to do some serious downsizing and prioritizing so I can enjoy our grandbabies even more.
Not sure when I will post again,but a Happy Autumn to all!! Would love for comments from any of you.
Monday, July 27, 2009
July is almost gone!!
I just don't know where time is going and what have I accomplished???
Have been having health problems again with my blood sugar readings hitting up to 500 at times plus my allergies are really acting up terribly.
But for positive news-am on baby watch-Steff has been showing signs Allie Mae might be here soon but it is ok as all is ready for her-had Steff's Baby Shower the 19th on her 30th birthday and went very well! Got to visit with some friends and relatives plus spend special time decorating with Amy,Steff and the guys.
So maybe that esplains where time has gone!
Now too I will be done babysitting Jessica as Lisa will go on maternity leave after Friday,but Gramma will be on call as needed there also.
Then in September our high school class is planning a special get together to celebrate our 60 birthdays-unbelievable!!!!!! Sounds like many are coming in from all over so will be a wonderful weekend!!
With that note will go for now-need to clean and do a few things then get a Gramma bag put together for the baby watch.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!!!
Have been having health problems again with my blood sugar readings hitting up to 500 at times plus my allergies are really acting up terribly.
But for positive news-am on baby watch-Steff has been showing signs Allie Mae might be here soon but it is ok as all is ready for her-had Steff's Baby Shower the 19th on her 30th birthday and went very well! Got to visit with some friends and relatives plus spend special time decorating with Amy,Steff and the guys.
So maybe that esplains where time has gone!
Now too I will be done babysitting Jessica as Lisa will go on maternity leave after Friday,but Gramma will be on call as needed there also.
Then in September our high school class is planning a special get together to celebrate our 60 birthdays-unbelievable!!!!!! Sounds like many are coming in from all over so will be a wonderful weekend!!
With that note will go for now-need to clean and do a few things then get a Gramma bag put together for the baby watch.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Here it is almost Father's Day!!!!
I just don't know where time goes but feel as though I am rollerskating down a huge hill & no way of stopping!!!
Made it through my 60th birthday which was very low-key and I am glad! Then came Mother's Day with a familie get-together at Amy's house-was a good day!!
Then came a very black day,our Golden lab,Jurgen,had been acting in pain and the day after Mother's Day he cried in pain terribly plus his one front leg was swollen up. So we went to the vet where we discussed all options and future . He had cancer,tumors,and much more,and the prognosis wasn't good for Jurgen so we made the heartbreaking decision to give him comfort and peace. Again I was right there with the vet,her assistant and God was merciful,Jurgen passed over the Rainbow Bridge so peacefully and looked as though he were asleep. So our home was very quiet and different with no dogs and I don't plan any additions as is too heartwrenching. We had Jurgen cremated and buried him with his sister,Madchen.
Now am getting anxious for our 2 granddaughters due in August. Steffany has had a scare,ended up overnite in the hospital with UTI and pain-we weren't sure if Allie Mae might make an early appearance. But she is waiting now and even though Steffany is supposed to be on bedrest,she has walked down to visit me while I was babysitting Jessica(yes,she is my daughter for sure!!!)
Angelina Marie is really growing too,not sure how much more Lisa can expand.
Still no job for Mel and doesn't look promising anytime soon,but we are doing okay so far.
That's about it for now,hope it isn't 2 months again,but who knows? Guess Grandma better get back to my crocheting and sewing as August will be here SOON!!!!
Have a great Summer!!!!
Made it through my 60th birthday which was very low-key and I am glad! Then came Mother's Day with a familie get-together at Amy's house-was a good day!!
Then came a very black day,our Golden lab,Jurgen,had been acting in pain and the day after Mother's Day he cried in pain terribly plus his one front leg was swollen up. So we went to the vet where we discussed all options and future . He had cancer,tumors,and much more,and the prognosis wasn't good for Jurgen so we made the heartbreaking decision to give him comfort and peace. Again I was right there with the vet,her assistant and God was merciful,Jurgen passed over the Rainbow Bridge so peacefully and looked as though he were asleep. So our home was very quiet and different with no dogs and I don't plan any additions as is too heartwrenching. We had Jurgen cremated and buried him with his sister,Madchen.
Now am getting anxious for our 2 granddaughters due in August. Steffany has had a scare,ended up overnite in the hospital with UTI and pain-we weren't sure if Allie Mae might make an early appearance. But she is waiting now and even though Steffany is supposed to be on bedrest,she has walked down to visit me while I was babysitting Jessica(yes,she is my daughter for sure!!!)
Angelina Marie is really growing too,not sure how much more Lisa can expand.
Still no job for Mel and doesn't look promising anytime soon,but we are doing okay so far.
That's about it for now,hope it isn't 2 months again,but who knows? Guess Grandma better get back to my crocheting and sewing as August will be here SOON!!!!
Have a great Summer!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
April-A Month of New Beginnings
Hard to believe Easter has come and gone,where have the first 3 months gone? Plus this one is almost half over.
Did finally get our taxes done and mailed this morning,a big relief even though it was delayed by my putting it off. Now onto the next project!
Last nite I went with Steffany and Don to have her sonogram and internal ultrasound done at ACMC and what an intriguing time that was. To see the images on the screen,see the hands moving all over,legs kicking and head trying to get away from the annoying pressure of a probing camera. I was fascinated to see the spine so clearly and all. If I wasn't at this advanced stage of life I might consider going to training in this field,but will leave it to the younger generation,I have other more important tasks at hand-being a Grandma!!!!
Lisa is having another girl early August so Jessica is happy she will have a baby sister,not a brother which she says she would return.
Despite Steff's baby giving the technician a run for her money by moving and hiding what we were looking for,we did get the good news-it's a GIRL!!!! So we got our first pix of Allie Mae-all 11 feisty ounces of her!!!
So technically this is my first Grandbaby by blood which makes her even more special. But I also can't deprive Jessica and Angelina Marie wjo are my adopted granddaughters. So looks like I will be having my arms and lap full of cuddly sweet-smalling babies and a 3 year old-No complaints whatsoever here!!!!!!
Steff pointed out something-she and Lisa did not confer or such but Lisa and Keith are having a girl Angelina Marie Shaffer in early August,and Steff and Don are having a girl Allie Mae Smith in late August. Both girls,both in August and both with initials AMS-HOW FUNNY!!! Proves you don't have to be of same blood to be close.
Okay,have run on long enough here,need to do few more things then it's off to spend the day with Jessica,wonder what she has planned for her day with Grandma? Lots of hugs and kisses I know for sure.
Have a great day,week,rest of the month and Spring!!!!!
Did finally get our taxes done and mailed this morning,a big relief even though it was delayed by my putting it off. Now onto the next project!
Last nite I went with Steffany and Don to have her sonogram and internal ultrasound done at ACMC and what an intriguing time that was. To see the images on the screen,see the hands moving all over,legs kicking and head trying to get away from the annoying pressure of a probing camera. I was fascinated to see the spine so clearly and all. If I wasn't at this advanced stage of life I might consider going to training in this field,but will leave it to the younger generation,I have other more important tasks at hand-being a Grandma!!!!
Lisa is having another girl early August so Jessica is happy she will have a baby sister,not a brother which she says she would return.
Despite Steff's baby giving the technician a run for her money by moving and hiding what we were looking for,we did get the good news-it's a GIRL!!!! So we got our first pix of Allie Mae-all 11 feisty ounces of her!!!
So technically this is my first Grandbaby by blood which makes her even more special. But I also can't deprive Jessica and Angelina Marie wjo are my adopted granddaughters. So looks like I will be having my arms and lap full of cuddly sweet-smalling babies and a 3 year old-No complaints whatsoever here!!!!!!
Steff pointed out something-she and Lisa did not confer or such but Lisa and Keith are having a girl Angelina Marie Shaffer in early August,and Steff and Don are having a girl Allie Mae Smith in late August. Both girls,both in August and both with initials AMS-HOW FUNNY!!! Proves you don't have to be of same blood to be close.
Okay,have run on long enough here,need to do few more things then it's off to spend the day with Jessica,wonder what she has planned for her day with Grandma? Lots of hugs and kisses I know for sure.
Have a great day,week,rest of the month and Spring!!!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Here it is March 7th
and my last post was Dec.31st!!! I knew I have gotten behind but this is terrible!!!!!!!!
So much has happened this year,maybe that explains why-Mel was laid off from his job on Jan 6th after 17 years of over and beyond duty,and so far nothing on the job front either.
Then I am on my 3rd sinus infection already and this was the worst so far-am still trying to get enough energy to even do minor chores.
Onto good news!!!! Come August we will be welcoming 2 new grandbabies thanks to Lisa and Keith and Steff and Don. So Grandma here has gotten started crocheting baby afghans,and stocking up on fabric to make baby outfits,diapers,crib sheets,etc. In the meantime Jessica is telling everyone I am HER grandma ONLY!!!! I can see some thinking will be needed in the next few months.
We celebrated Dad's 80th with a Surprize Party at St. Angelo's Bowling Alley,and somehow we all did manage to keep it secret so he was really shocked.
The hidden gypsy blood has surfaced once again in our familie-Amy has moved from her mobile home to a really nice manufactured home close to Lake Erie-we have already had a birthday party there. They also have a nice hot tub on their back deck which I used one day and can't wait to do it again!!!!
Our other gypsy Steffany has moved into Amy's vacated mobile home so it will be a really nice home for the new baby.
One thing,at least the 2 girls still living in mobile homes are only a few doors apart so Grandma won't have to go far to babysit with all 3 grandkids(did I just say that?!)
Well,that is enough for now-need to go rest awhile here,have been online 4 hours!!!
So much has happened this year,maybe that explains why-Mel was laid off from his job on Jan 6th after 17 years of over and beyond duty,and so far nothing on the job front either.
Then I am on my 3rd sinus infection already and this was the worst so far-am still trying to get enough energy to even do minor chores.
Onto good news!!!! Come August we will be welcoming 2 new grandbabies thanks to Lisa and Keith and Steff and Don. So Grandma here has gotten started crocheting baby afghans,and stocking up on fabric to make baby outfits,diapers,crib sheets,etc. In the meantime Jessica is telling everyone I am HER grandma ONLY!!!! I can see some thinking will be needed in the next few months.
We celebrated Dad's 80th with a Surprize Party at St. Angelo's Bowling Alley,and somehow we all did manage to keep it secret so he was really shocked.
The hidden gypsy blood has surfaced once again in our familie-Amy has moved from her mobile home to a really nice manufactured home close to Lake Erie-we have already had a birthday party there. They also have a nice hot tub on their back deck which I used one day and can't wait to do it again!!!!
Our other gypsy Steffany has moved into Amy's vacated mobile home so it will be a really nice home for the new baby.
One thing,at least the 2 girls still living in mobile homes are only a few doors apart so Grandma won't have to go far to babysit with all 3 grandkids(did I just say that?!)
Well,that is enough for now-need to go rest awhile here,have been online 4 hours!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
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